Medical motherhood changed me forever...

 When my second daughter was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome everything I thought I knew about my future crumbled before my eyes.

I felt lost and alone. 

Even with so much support from those around me, I didn’t know what to think or how to process this enormous change. I felt so many damn and had no clue what to do with any of them. I had figure out how grieve my daughter's diagnosis, believe in my own ability to navigate the future surgeries, learn to advocate and ask questions, feel confident speaking to doctors, and so much more. 

I was so overwhelmed. 

I knew there had to be a different way

After my daughter's first open heart surgery, I searched for ways to help me cope, heal, and figure out what to do about all that I felt. I didn't know how to accept this new life or face the upcoming challenges without feeling completely lost. 

This search led me to coaching.

For the first time in my life I started paying attention to my feelings in a way that felt doable, simple, and effective. 

I started to understand my brain in a way that didn't feel overwhelming, but comforting. 

I learned to manage my thinking, process my feelings and holding space for my grief, and get stuff done. 

As I implemented these tools and new ways of thinking, I knew that so many families would benefit from coaching, so I launched my coaching practice offering mindset and emotional tools to medical families. 

I've coached dozens of medical parents from all over the world through my  my 1-1 coaching services.

I host a weekly podcast downloaded by thousands, Mindset for Medical Moms,

And I share my daily life as a mom and helpful tips for medical motherhood over on my Instagram community 

I create every resource for my past self, who desperately wished for this exact support and relief.  


I live on Oahu, Hawaii where I'm raising my three incredible daughters with my amazing husband. 

Zola has completed all three available reparative surgeries for hypoplastic left heart syndrome. She is stable and thriving. We are so grateful for her life and the joy she brings to our family. Life if better because of her. 

Medical motherhood is hard. there is no doubt about that and I don't regret a single second of the journey. Every twist and turn has been worth it.